Identity Politics in Islamic Views


  • Elly Warnisyah Harahap Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Nurajidah Dalimunthe Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Annisa Pratiwi Surianto Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara



Politics, Identity, Islam


This article seeks to lift back years of efforts by religious entities to remedy conflict and help build peace. Because in today's people's lives, conflicts are much more interesting to discuss and the efforts of religious leaders to end conflicts and build peace are not too massively discussed. Identity as a political tool in Islamic teachings is permissible, but with conditions including: Not harming each other, not putting each other down or making fun of each other, not using violence (racism), distinguishing one group from another, tribe or race (ethnic fanaticism).


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How to Cite

Elly Warnisyah Harahap, Nurajidah Dalimunthe and Annisa Pratiwi Surianto (2024) “Identity Politics in Islamic Views”, al-Afkar, Journal For Islamic Studies, 7(1), pp. 1001–1010. doi: 10.31943/afkarjournal.v7i1.934.




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