al-Afkar, Journal For Islamic Studies 2025-01-19T16:56:34+00:00 al-Afkar, Journal for Islamic Studies Open Journal Systems <p>al-Afkar: Journal for Islamic Studies is a single blind peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Islamic Studies Wiralodra University, STAI DR. KHEZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta, Association of Secondment Lecturers (Asosiasi Dosen DPK) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, and Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, researchers, and practitioners in the field Islamic Studies in both theory and practice. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited: Islamic Education, Islamic thought, Islamic law, political Islam, and Islamic economics from social and cultural perspectives and content analysis from al-Qur’an and Hadist. The journal is published online four times a year (January, April, July, and October).</p> Azbabun Nuzul Ayat Study of Closing the Aurat/Veil/Hijab (Study of Surah Al-Ahzab Verse 59) 2024-06-09T23:46:50+00:00 M. Nur Gema Ramadhan Nurlina Sari Ihsanniati Khoirul Umami <p>This article aims to provide an overview to all interested parties regarding how mufassir understand and interpret the verses of the Koran regarding the hijab or covering of the private parts for women. Apart from that, this article also displays the views of the mufassir in understanding this problem. The verses of the Qur'an were revealed to be practiced with all their fadhilah and goodness, including the obligation to cover their private parts for women, which is intended to provide security and comfort for them and the people around them. All the responsibilities that Allah gives to His servants are for the benefit of humans. Therefore, it is hoped that this article will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the obligations of the hijab for women, thereby encouraging a moderate attitude in understanding and practicing it, without blaming other opinions or feeling self-righteous. By expressing the mufassir's understanding of the hijab for women, women are expected to be able to choose the right option according to their needs in the Sharia corridor. In addition, this paper aims to increase public understanding of the hijab issue and reduce unnecessary debate.</p> 2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 M. Nur Gema Ramadhan, Nurlina Sari Ihsanniati, Khoirul Umami The Influence of Digital Sharia Banking Services on the Digital Financial Literacy of Generation Z in Malang City 2024-04-17T01:10:24+00:00 Shalshabilla Putri Rini Safitri <p>The aim of this research is to determine the influence of digital sharia banking services on the digital financial literacy of generation z in Malang City. This study including in type study quantitative. Object for this study is generation z in Malang City consisting of from 100 respondents . Retrieval technique sample use technique <em>purposive sampling</em>. Data collection techniques through spread questionnaires and for technique data analysis using simple regression analysis​​ linier with SPSS software. The variables studied​ are Digital Services (X) and Digital Financial Literacy (Y). The research results show that digital services provided by sharia banking have a significant and positive effect on the digital financial literacy of generation z in Malang City. It means that every additional digital sharia banking service can increase the digital financial literacy of generation z in Malang City.</p> 2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Shalshabilla Putri, Rini Safitri Training for Mothers at BKMM Coblong District to Improve Family Education and Economics 2024-11-25T01:17:55+00:00 Y. Yuliany Ida Nursida <p>The urgency in this research relates to the training of mothers in BKMM Coblong District and Sadang Serang, Sekeloa, Lebak Gede, Dago, Lebak Siliwangi and Cipaganti sub-districts, Bandung City. The aim of this research is to find out various trainings for mothers in the BKMM area of ​​Coblong District so that they can improve education and the family economy which is beneficial for everyday life. The research method used is descriptive qualitative through literature review, observation, and interview techniques, which collect and process relevant data centrally from BKMM in the Coblong District area to obtain benefits in social life. BKMM facilitates training such as routine recitation, family management, making laundry soap from used cooking oil, classifying library books, putting on make-up, wearing the hijab, planting fruit in pots, and providing halal labels for food and beverage products. This training empowers women to improve the quality of family life. The results obtained in this research show that most mothers in Coblong District have received training. Still, several mothers in the al-Muslim, Al-Mubarok, and Al-Barokah mosques have not received training because the three mosques are currently under renovation. The conclusion of this research states that the BKMM training program in Coblong District is part of DMI which can empower women through improving skills, Islamic religious education, and empowering the family economy to create a prosperous society.</p> 2025-01-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Y. Yuliany, Ida Nursida Waqf Optimization for Determining Goods Selling Prices 2024-05-16T01:37:58+00:00 Mulyono Jamal Iqbal Maulana Firdaus Sultan Nanta Setia Dien Labolo <p>Waqf has a significant role in overcoming the problem of poverty and social issues that exist in society, especially in setting prices, because this can make prices better if the handling is also good. The method used in this research is Library Research by taking secondary data from books, journals and other articles. Explains that the role of waqf in pricing is as follows: Financing Production Facilities, Price Subsidies, Development of Logistics Infrastructure, Poverty Alleviation, Education and Training, Research and Development, Price Supervision, Financing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.</p> 2025-01-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mulyono Jamal, Iqbal Maulana Firdaus, Sultan Nanta Setia Dien Labolo Qirā’at In Tafsīr Al-Jalālain Book; A Descriptive Study of Ṣighat Wafi Qira`Atin in the 30th Juz. 2024-03-17T14:27:50+00:00 Ahmad Farih Abdullah Khoirur Rofiq Alvian Bhakti Pamungkas <p>The differences in dialects owned by the Arabs result in differences in the way the Qur'an is recited or often known as differences in <em>qirā'at</em>. When Muslims began to develop, the study of religious sciences also developed, such as the study of the verses of the Qur'an to be interpreted, when interpreting the verses of the Qur'an, many mufassirs have attention to differences in <em>qirā' at</em>, such as in the book of <em>Tafsir </em><em>al-J</em><em>alâlain</em>. Problems arise when encountering the phrase <em>wa fī qirā'atin</em> in the book of <em>Tafsīr al-Jalālain</em> because it does not explain who is referred to in the phrase so that it does not know the status of the validity of the <em>qirā'at</em>, whether it is <em>mutawatir, ahad</em> or even <em>syadz</em>. This paper uses library research, while the data collection technique used is document review technique, then analyzed using descriptive analytical method, with a deductive mindset, namely looking for lafadz wa fī qirā'atin in the book of Tafsīr al-Jalālain in 30<sup>th </sup>Juz then looking for the status of qira`ah. The benefits of this research include introducing the imams of qirā'at and their positions, especially those contained in the memorization of wa fī qirā'atin in the book of Tafsīr al-Jalālain in juz 30. As for the results of this research paper, the author found the phrase <em>wa fī qirā'atin</em> in the book of <em>Tafsīr al-Jalālain</em> in the 30<sup>th </sup>Juz. <em>imams</em> who contained in it are <em>imams </em>of<em> qira`ah arba`ah asyrah</em>. Meanwhile, when viewed from the status of the authenticityof the <em>qirā'at</em>, it has a mutawatir status because in each lafadz it contains the name of one or more of the imams of the <em>qira`ah sab`ah</em>.</p> 2025-01-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Farih, Abdullah Khoirur Rofiq, Alvian Bhakti Pamungkas The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in Fostering the Independence of New Santri at the Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School in Bandung 2025-01-12T03:37:51+00:00 Nur Ainiyah Dadang Hidayat Fauzaan Allaamsyah Harun Linda Nur Kirani Siti Pathonah Zahroh <p>Independence is a character that every student must have so that they are mentally strong in adapting to Islamic boarding schools and are also able to solve the various problems they face. The theory used in this research is. Santri, Islamic Boarding Schools, Typology of Islamic Boarding Schools and Independence. In this research, researchers used a qualitative method using a case study approach. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. This research aims to find out the condition of the Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School in Bandung, what role the Islamic Boarding School plays in increasing the independence of its students at the Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School and also to find out what factors are obstacles in increasing the independence of students at the Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School in Bandung. The research population is Nurul Iman Islamic boarding school students. The research results show that Islamic boarding schools have programs to build independence which is very important in increasing the independence of new students, in this case it can be seen from the difference between the first time you enter an Islamic boarding school and after living in an Islamic boarding school for a long time. The santri's attitude of independence is demonstrated by always carrying out their obligations and practicing in daily life within the Islamic boarding school and outside the Islamic boarding school, the santri can be disciplined and on time, and not depend on other people.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Nur Ainiyah, Dadang Hidayat, Fauzaan Allaamsyah Harun, Linda Nur Kirani, Siti Pathonah Zahroh The Role of Tafsir Tarbawi in the Development of Islamic Personality in Early Childhood 2025-01-15T23:44:28+00:00 Nanih Nurhayati Iskandar Mirza <p>Tarbawi interpretation is an interpretation approach that prioritizes moral and spiritual development through understanding the Koran. This interpretation not only explains the meaning of the verses of the Koran textually, but also highlights educational values that can be applied in everyday life, especially in educating children. Research concludes that Tafsir Tarbawi has an important role in early childhood education, especially in shaping Islamic personalities. Through the interpretation of verses from the Koran that focus on educational aspects, children can learn about essential moral and spiritual values, such as monotheism, noble morals, equality, good social relationships, and emotional intelligence.</p> 2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Nanih Nurhayati, Iskandar Mirza Muamalah Fiqh Review of the Use of Contracts in Sharia Insurance Institutions 2024-03-17T14:29:25+00:00 Muhamad Said Mohammad Ghozali <p>Sharia economic growth in Indonesia has developed quite a bit in recent years. This was followed by growth in terms of financial institutions, both from the banking and non-bank sides. It can be seen from the contracts that are increasingly innovating like the multi-contracts that are now popular. Until one of the tabarru’ contracts which has the meaning of helping in sharia insurance institutions now feels like a tijaroh contract which spices up profits (profits) on transactions. The aim of this research is to examine the tabarru’ contract carried out by sharia insurance institutions by criticizing it through the tabarru’ theory approach itself from the perspective of muamalah fiqh. With qualitative research methods, sourced by secondary data, researchers try to describe the content of data collection techniques using deductive documentation methods. And found that insurance institutions still felt that capitalism was labeled sharia, and also concluded that zakat, infaq, shodaqoh and waqf (ZISWAF) institutions could be the best solution for Muslims to actually help them.</p> 2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Muhamad Said, Mohammad Ghozali قضية الإمامة بين المتكلمين 2024-03-17T14:33:05+00:00 Amir Reza Kusuma Asrofil Fuad Iqbal Maulana Alfiansyah <p>إن الأمة الإسلامية ستتفرق إلى عدة فرق كما أشاره الحديث الشريف: (ليأتيَنَّ على أُمَّتي ما أتى على بني إسرائيلَ حَذْوَ النعل بالنعل، حتى إن كان منهُم مَن أتى أُمَّه علانية؛ لكان في أُمَّتي مَن يصنع ذلك، وإنَّ بني إسرائيل تفرَّقت على ثنتين وسبعين ملَّة، وتفترق أُمَّتي على ثلاث وسبعين ملة؛ كلهم في النار؛ إلا ملة واحدة. قالوا: ومَن هي يا رسول الله؟ قال: ما أنا عليه وأصحابي) رواه الترمذي وحسنه الألباني. وهذا ما حدث اليومَ حيث تختلف الأمة إلى عدة فرق لما اختلفوا في الأمور العقدية التي سنبحثها عن قريب إن شاء الله تعالى .فالنتيجة لهذا البحث في قضية الإممامة بين الطوائفِ أن مذهب الخوارجِ فيها أصوبُ من غيره، لأن الخوارج لها شرط الخوارج في من يرتضونه إماماً أن تتوفر فيه عدة صفات تجعله جديراً بحمل الأمانة، وأهم هذه الشروط مما يأتي:1- أن يكون شديد التمسك بالعقيدة الإسلامية مخلصاً في عبادته وتقواه كثير التعبد والطاعات على طريقتهم. 2- أن يكون قوياً في نفسه ذا عزم نافذ وتفكير ناضج وشجاعة وحزم. 3- أن لا يكون فيه ما يخل بإيمانه من حب المعاصي واللهو واتباع الهوى. 4 -أن يكون انتخابه برضى الجميع لا يغني بعضهم عن بعض في ذلك 5- لا عبرة بالنسب أو الجنس أو اللون. وأهل الإيمان يتفاضل بما فضل الله به من الإمامة بعضَهم من بعض، فإن كان التفاضل يقع بين الأنبياء، فما الظن بينهم وبين سائر المسلمين فضلا عن فجارهم، وهذا يدركه العقلاء بداهة.</p> <p> </p> 2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Amir Reza Kusuma, Asrofil Fuad, Iqbal Maulana Alfiansyah Modern Thought of Islamic Religious Education According to Mahmud Yunus 2023-12-17T05:08:04+00:00 Ria Putranti Arwitaningsih Khuriyah <p>This article aims to examine and explain the movement of Mahmud Yunus' thoughts on Islamic education. Mahmud Yunus is an Islamic education reformer from Minangkabau. Through his position in the Ministry of Religious Affairs, he advocated and fought for the inclusion of religious education subjects into the national curriculum and supported the implementation of religious education in public schools and the establishment of the National Islamic University (PTAIN). Mahmud Yunus' reform movement in Indonesia is an interesting study that needs to be studied in the context of contemporary Indonesian figures and Mahmud Yunus' perspective on Islamic education and its relation to modern education. The type of research in this study is library research and the data comes from some primary and secondary literature related to Mahmud Yunus' thoughts and their relevance to modern education. This research focuses more on Mahmud Yunus' attention and commitment to the improvement and development of Islamic education which can be seen further in some of his thoughts, among others, in terms of Islamic education, goals, curriculum, teaching methods of educators and institutions of Islamic education institutions.</p> 2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ria Putranti Arwitaningsih, Retno Wahyuningsih KH Ahmad Dahlan and KH Hasyim Asy'ari's Thoughts on the Relevance of Contemporary Islamic Education 2024-10-20T04:06:22+00:00 M. Alfan Miftahul Fauzi alfanmiftahulfauzi17@gmail.Com Mukh Nursikin <p>In fact, there are two important figures in the history of Indonesian Islamic education, KH. Hasyim Asy'ari and KH. Ahmad Dahlan, each has a different way of making a big impact. Founder of Nahdlatul Ulama, KH. Hasyim Asy'ari, emphasized the importance of Islamic boarding school-based education that combines religious knowledge with classical Islamic traditions. He believed that strengthening morals and understanding of the Shari'a should be the main foundation of education, while remaining open to the development of modern science. On the other hand, KH. Ahmad Dahlan, founder of Muhammadiyah, has a more progressive view of education reform. He encouraged the modernization of the Islamic education system by adopting public school curricula and a rational approach to understanding religion. He also emphasized the importance of more systematic and organized teaching and general science as part of holistic Islamic education comparable to Western educational standards in force at that time. Even though they acted in different ways, these two figures were committed to improving the quality of education in Indonesia, with the main aim of creating a generation of Muslims who are intelligent, have morals and are able to contribute positively to society. They have formed two large organizations, NU and Muhammadiyah. These two organizations have become important pillars in the Islamic education system in Indonesia to date.</p> 2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 M. Alfan Miftahul Fauzi, Mukh Nursikin E-Money in Worldview Perspective Maqashid Sharia 2024-03-17T14:21:04+00:00 Imam Kamaluddin Tito Noer Islami <p>In the 20th century, technological developments experienced very significant growth and brought winds of change to human life in all aspects, such as culture, law, education or economic aspects. The emergence of the digitalization of money is a form of technological development in this era. Electric Money or what is usually shortened to e-money is a trend in terms of buying and selling transactions. As Muslims, we are obliged to carry out all our work in accordance with the provisions that Allah SWT has determined. As for what Allah SWT has determined, it has a sharia maqashid that its servants must know. In carrying out e-money transactions, it is necessary to know the sharia maqashid contained therein. This research aims to find out more about how e-money is from a sharia maqashid perspective. This research uses the qualitative literature study method. The results of this research are that in e-money there is an element of benefit that is a sharia maqashid that can meet human needs, namely hifdzul maal. There are several negative impacts in e-money that need to be avoided in order to maintain the value of maal hifdzul, such as device duplication, theft and malfunction.</p> 2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Imam Kamaluddin, Tito Noer Islami Multicural Awareness Among Millenial and Gen Z Teacher in Multicultural Education 2025-01-18T06:05:26+00:00 Aisyah Khoirunnisa Nandang Budiman Sardin <p>Multicultural awareness can be the first step, especially for teachers to form a more tolerant and empathetic generation in multicultural education. This study explores multicultural awareness between millennial teachers and gen z teachers in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach by collecting data using the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey (TMAS) instrument. The sample of this study is 140 from various schools in Indonesia. The results of the study showed that there was no significant difference in multicultural awareness between millennial teachers and gen z teachers. Reflecting that the generation factor is not a barrier for teachers in realizing multicultural awareness. This research also suggests the supervision and development of teacher multicultural awareness that is continuous and uniform in each generation. Further research can be more in-depth to examine multicultural awareness with other variables such as student learning outcomes or inclusive competencies</p> 2025-01-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Aisyah Khoirunnisa, Nandang Budiman, Sardin The Concept of Gender Bias in Islam (Analytical Study) 2024-04-17T00:54:13+00:00 Wawan Kardiyanto Fierdha Abdullah Ali <p>According to Islamic juridical norms and international constitutions, justice and equality between men and women have human rights protection for all mankind. From the perspective of figures with a gender perspective, Law no. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage regulates marriage issues as a type of view and conception that discriminates against women culturally and sociologically. From this explanation, it can be seen that women's laws are still widely debated and considered discriminatory because they are influenced by patriarchal culture, favor women's groups, and do not provide guarantees for women. Injustice treatment of women. Because the Women's law does not protect women in the UUP articles, which is very important to understand by understanding gender analysis.</p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Wawan Kardiyanto, Fierdha Abdullah Ali Ideas of Islamic Education Thought KH. Ahmad Dahlan 2023-12-17T05:06:28+00:00 Siti Isnaini Islah Gusmian <p>At the beginning of the 20th century, Indonesia had an education system that was secular and traditional. Secular education is an educational system established by the Dutch East Indies government. In this system, only general knowledge is taught. Meanwhile, traditional education is an educational system founded by ulama, where in this system only religious knowledge is taught. This shows that education in Indonesia has not achieved its true goals. The aims of education include enlightening the life of the nation and developing the whole person, namely a person who is virtuous, has good morals, has knowledge, skills, physical and spiritual health, a stable and independent personality, and a sense of social and national responsibility. KH. Ahmad Dahlan, the founder of Muhammadiyah, attended because of his disagreement with the education system created by the Dutch East Indies government. Therefore KH. Ahmad Dahlan offers an education system that collaborates the secular education system with the traditional education system.</p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Siti Isnaini, Islah Gusmian Implementation of Religious Moderation Values in Shaping the Social Character of Elementary School Students 2024-06-10T01:26:38+00:00 Vina Tamarin Nur Hidayat <p>This research aims to understand the explanation regarding the implementation of religious moderation values in shaping the social character of elementary school students. The study utilizes a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques conducted through interviews with teachers from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah classes in Bandung City. The data analysis employed includes data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of religious moderation values in shaping students' social character can be achieved at the elementary school level through habitual practices embedded in the learning materials. Explanation regarding the diversity present in the environment should be taught to students to enable them to practice tolerance as a form of character development.</p> 2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Vina tamarin, Nur Hidayat Ila Mamati's Prayer Method of Memorizing the Al-Qur’an at High School at the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School, Nurul Istiqalal Wonosari Klaten 2024-10-05T14:44:09+00:00 Luthfi Badrus Tsani Fauzi Muharom <p>Prayer ila mamati is a phrase taken from Arabic. Sholati means my prayer, ila means until, while mamati means my death. So "my prayers until my death" means that I, as a memorizer of the Qur'an, have the responsibility to uphold both obligatory and sunnah prayers, try to be istiqamah and muraja'ah of the Qur'an in sunnah prayers until I die. Tahfidul Qur'an Nurul Istiqlal Islamic Boarding School Wonosari Klaten is a non-formal educational institution whose address is Pandanan Village, Wonosari District, Klaten Regency, Central Java Province. This article is included in qualitative research with a type of approach, namely literature study. In the literature study, researchers carried out activities to collect literature related to the ila mamati prayer method in facilitating memorization of the Al-Qur'an. This research uses books and other literature as the main object. So the type of research used is qualitative research. The implementation of the shalati ila mamati method is carried out when we pray. Because in prayer we definitely read the verses in the Koran, both short and long verses. However, this method is prioritized during sunnah prayers. The principles of the Illa Mamati prayer method are as follows: the principle of motivation, the principle of having the Al-Qur'an memorized, the principle of istiqomah. Applying a learning method in a learning activity is not as easy as imagined, especially in memorizing the Al-Qur'an. Sometimes how it happens and the reality that we find when we go directly into the field does not match what is expected with the theory learned when using this learning method. In every implementation or implementation there are definitely inhibiting and supporting factors that influence the use of the method, as well as when implementing it.</p> 2025-01-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Luthfi Badrus Tsani, Fauzi Muharom Muamalah Fiqh Analysis of Murabahah 2024-03-17T14:10:40+00:00 Mohammad Ghozali Akhmad Novandi Nurtajuddin Akmal Hibatullah Ramadhan <p>Murabahah as buying and selling where the owner of the goods mentions the purchase price of the goods, then takes advantage of the buyer by saying "I bought this item as a dinar and you give me a profit of one or two dinars. Or give details by saying: you give a profit of one dirham per one dinar or use a certain size even with a percentage. Hanafiyyah scholars define it as the transfer of something owned with an initial contract and an initial price accompanied by additional profits. According to Shafiyyah and Hanabilah scholars, Murabahah is buying and selling at the cost or acquisition price of goods from the seller plus a profit of one dirham for every ten dinars. Or something like that, with the condition that both parties to the transaction must know the cost price, while Ibn Rushd in bidayatul mujtahid gives a definition of Buying and Selling Goods at the original price at the agreed price.</p> 2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mohammad Ghozali, Akhmad Novandi Nurtajuddin, Akmal Hibatullah Ramadhan الجناس والسجع في سورة الملك (دراسة تحليلية بديعية) 2024-05-16T01:33:25+00:00 Miftahul Khoir Ahmad Hidayatullah Zarkasyi <p>إن الجناس والسجع جزء من علم البديع، وهما من جمال اللغة العربية في الشعر وفي القرآن الكريم، أيضا أحد خصائص القرآن الكريم. فالجناس هو تشابه اللفظين في النطق واختلافهما في المعنى، وهو نوعان: الجناس التام والجناس غير التام. وأما السجع هو اتفق في أواخر الجمل، أيضا في الحرف الأخير، وهو أربعة أنواع: السجع المطرف، و السجع المرصع، والسجع والمتوازي، والسجع المشطر. وكان هذا البحث من نوع البحث المكتبي (Library Research). وأما المنهج الذي استخدم الباحث المنهج الوصف، وأما الأسلوب المستخدم في جمع البيانات هي الطريقة الوثائقية. والأسلوب تحليل البيانات في هذا البحث هي تحليل المضمون. فاستنتج الباحث أن نتائج البحث المتواصلة كما يلي: 1) أن الآيات التي تتضمن على الجناس في سورة الملك ( وهي الآية (3)، (8-9)، (20-21)، (29-30)، وهي من الجناس غير التام. والآيات التي تتضمن على السجع في سورة الملك هي 13 آية، 8 آيات للسجع المطرف وهي الآية (1-3)، (6-7)، (12-13)، (14-15)، (16-17)، (23-24)، (25-27)، (29-30)، وآية واحدة للسجع المرصع وهي الآية (10-11)، و (4) آيات للسجع المتوازي وهي الآية (4-5)، (8-9)، (18-19)، (20-2). 2) ونوع الجناس الذي وجده الباحث في سورة الملك هو الجناس غير التام. 3) ونوع السجع الذي وجده الباحث في سورة الملك هو السجع المطرف، والسجع المرصع، والسجع المتوازي.</p> 2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Miftahul Khoir, Ahmad Hidayatullah Zarkasyi Comparative Analysis of Student Learning Outcomes in Al-Qur'an Hadith Lessons Based on Learning Media 2024-05-16T06:42:58+00:00 Miftah Hur Rahman Zh Muh. Ihsan Yudha Pradana Purnomo Yerry Soepriyanto Fatih Budiman <p>In the era of technological advancement, technology-based media such as online flipbooks and PowerPoint presentations can potentially enhance the effectiveness of students' learning outcomes in Quran and Hadith studies. However, there is currently no research comparing the differences in learning outcomes based on the use of these two media. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference in students' learning outcomes based on the use of flipbook and PPT as learning media. This research is a quantitative research with two independent variables and one dependent variable. The target of this research is the students of class XA and XB at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Kota Batu, with a population sample of 50 students. The analysis in this study utilizes quantitative descriptive statistical methods and the One-Way ANOVA test. The research findings indicate that the significance value of 0.001 &lt; 0.05, which means there is a significant difference in learning outcomes between the class that uses flipbook media and the class that uses PPT.</p> 2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Miftah Hur Rahman Zh, Muh. Ihsan Yudha Pradana, Purnomo, Yerry Soepriyanto, Fatih Budiman The Spill Phenomenon in the Context of the Hadith Prohibition of Spelling Other People's Disgrace 2024-05-18T03:03:16+00:00 Zur'aini Latifah Zahra Uswatun Hasanah Hedhri Nadhiran <p>Technological advances have led to an increase in phenomena that often occur, one of which is discussing other people's disgrace in various ways which is commonly referred to as the spill phenomenon. TikTok social media is a form of technological progress that is widely used by humans, thus providing a great opportunity to cause activities that have a negative impact and commotion. In this article, hadith will be the main discussion because it differs from previous research and hadith itself is an explanation or reflection of the Al-Qur'an. The hadith that will be used is the hadith narrated by Imam At-Tirmidhi because it is part of the Politikussitah, namely the Mu'tabar hadith books which are a reference for Muslims. This research uses a literature research design (library research). The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative data analysis technique. The primary data source used in this research is the hadith narrated by Imam At-Tirmidhi number 2032 in the book Jami' At-Tirmidhi and secondary data sources in the form of articles, books and journals that are directly related to the research theme. The results of the discussion concluded that showing disgrace or spilling is an act that is prohibited by religion. However, scholars agree that this spill activity can be carried out under four conditions, namely to expose injustice, seek protection from injustice, ask for advice, and give a warning. In this condition, such as spill behavior, you still have to use manners or ethics, namely not openly exposing someone's disgrace and talking about other people to be introduced. If this spill is carried out outside of these four conditions and without applicable etiquette, the spill will lead to things that are prohibited in religion and lead to a negative realm which will make the act haram.</p> 2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Zur'aini Latifah Zahra, Uswatun Hasanah, Hedhri Nadhiran Implementation of the Tadabur Alam Learning Approach in Increasing Santri Faith at TPQ Nurud Dzolam, Sukasari Village, Pulosari District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten 2024-10-05T13:28:55+00:00 Naylur Rosyid Eha Suhayati <p>This research discusses the benefits of the natural tadabur learning approach in increasing the faith of students at the Nurud Dzolam Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ). The natural tadabur learning approach is an activity of contemplating the greatness of Allah through the signs in the universe. This activity is routinely carried out at TPQ Nurud Dzolam to strengthen students' belief in the creation of Allah. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach, involving students, ustadz/ustadzah, and TPQ managers as subjects. The research results show that the natural tadabur learning approach has a positive impact in increasing students' faith through direct spiritual experience, awareness of the greatness of Allah, and the formation of tawadhu' character. Supporting factors for implementing this activity include full support from TPQ managers, student enthusiasm, and a supportive natural environment. However, obstacles such as erratic weather conditions and resource constraints affect the consistent implementation of activities. This research recommends improving facilities, developing learning modules for the natural learning approach, as well as integrating this activity with the academic curriculum to maximize its benefits.</p> 2025-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Naylur Rosyid, Eha Suhayati Strategy of the Principal of MTs.S PP. Darussalam Kunir in Successful Accreditation of Excellence 2024-05-16T01:46:24+00:00 Shely Kusumasari Ferianto Aminuddin Sulhah Habibah Ahmad Farihin <p>This article aims to analyze the implementation of principal strategies in MTs.S PP educational institutions. Darussalam Kunir in achieving superior accreditation. This research method was obtained from written sources related to management strategy. The research method used in this article is descriptive qualitative data. The data collection technique in this research is environmental observation, interviews. Environmental observations and literature studies collected books and journals related to strategic management, school principal leadership, and the keys to successful accreditation. This analysis technique is in the form of a narrative. Strategic management is a way for an institution or organization to achieve goals which also require the role of a leader with a leadership spirit who can influence the performance/behavior of other people. Implementation of accreditation is carried out through activities comparing the condition of schools in activities to meet the four standards set during the accreditation period which will be carried out in the 2023-2024 academic year. Therefore, the school principal plays a very important role in implementing a series of school principal strategies to implement strategic management to make accreditation successful at MTs.S PP. Darussalam Kunir.</p> 2025-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Shely Kusumasari, Ferianto, Aminuddin, Sulhah Habibah, Ahmad Farihin RA Kartini's Thoughts on Women's Education and Its Relevance to Islamic Education 2023-12-17T05:09:21+00:00 Nurlailli Hidayati Fitri Wulandari <p>RA Kartini showed that she was a fighter in the field of feminism, namely by fighting for women's rights in working and gaining their rights as human beings through women's education with the main focus being training for writing, reading and sewing. The aim of education provided by women is to present and fight for gender equality and eradicate the culture of marginalization of women, gender equality is in the form of education, voicing the opinions and duties of women in society. Even though Kartini used to have limited religious understanding, Kartini believed that religion had a big role in society and human civilization. Kartini did not explicitly state the importance of religion in education in her letters, but Kartini's deeper understanding of religion provides a view that the basis of a child's education is a good religion, which is first given by a mother to a child in the product of temperament and character. Women's educational thoughts and practices towards the native community are a stimulant for the growth of better understanding and knowledge, especially in Islamic education. Kartini's criticality regarding the importance of women's education gave awareness to the ulama to increase understanding of Islam to the public with a clear educational concept. After Kartini's death, many Islamic schools were founded, not only open to boys but also girls.</p> 2025-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 NurLailli Hidayati, Fitri Wulandari Scientific Integration of Perspectives M. Amin Abdullah (Integrative-Interconnective Approach) 2023-12-17T05:10:34+00:00 Nisa A-Zahro Jauzaa’ Rustam Ibrahim <p>The dichotomy between general science and religious science still occurs, claims of truth about certain Islamic thoughts cause scientific development in the Islamic world to become weak. The ideas of Islamic thinkers in Indonesia include M. Amin Abdullah, with scientific spider web theory with an integrative-interconnective approach. This research aims to determine the integrative-interconnective approach to M thinking. Amen Abdullah. The method used is literature, qualitative-descriptive. With integration-interconnection, the idea promoted is the progress of the Islamic study paradigm from normal science (level Islamic Doctrines), to revolutionary science (level Islamic Studies). The theory initiated by Amin Abdullah is “spider webs” UIN integration-interconnection science which illustrates theoanthroposntric-integralistic spider web relationships.</p> 2025-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Nisa A-Zahro Jauzaa’, Rustam Ibrahim Between Hope and Reality: Problems of Learning Arabic in Class 5-S KMI Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor 2023-2024 Academic Year 2024-05-16T02:37:45+00:00 Agus Yasin Muhammad Kautsar Ramadhan <p>When learning Arabic, students and teachers are often faced with existing problems. Gontor is no exception, which in fact is an Islamic boarding school-based educational institution that upholds Arabic language learning. Broadly speaking, there are two problems with learning Arabic, namely: Linguistic and Non-Linguistic. Among the linguistic problems faced by KMI Gontor class 5-S students are: (a) the students are less proficient in capturing and digesting the material presented by the teacher, where the language of instruction for these materials is Arabic, (b) the students are less proficient in reading bald Arabic texts (Arabic texts without harokat), (c) students are less proficient in the kitabah (writing). Even the writing they write themselves sometimes they can't read, (d) the students' nahwu and Sharaf abilities are very poor. Meanwhile, non-linguistic problems faced by class 5-S students include: (a) students' lack of interest and motivation in studying Arabic so that their abilities do not develop and tend to be very poor compared to their peers, (b) some teachers are less proficient in delivering the material. Actively, tend to only transfer knowledge, not provide enthusiasm and constructive impressions to students during learning activities.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Agus Yasin, Muhammad Kautsar Ramadhan Modernization of Islamic Boarding School Education Institutions According to Azyumardi Azra 2023-12-17T05:12:04+00:00 Muhamad Nur Zaman Muhammad Munadi <p>Islamic boarding schools have made a significant contribution to efforts to educate the nation's generation. However, in the contemporary era, Islamic boarding schools cannot avoid the influence of modernization, especially with advances in science and technology. Islamic boarding schools are faced with challenges that arise due to changing times and modern life. The ability of Islamic boarding schools to respond to this challenge is a benchmark for the extent to which they can follow the flow of modernization. Azyumardi Azra presents solutions to overcome these problems. For the first issue, he suggested updating management and leadership systems by transforming centralized leadership into collective management. The second problem can be addressed through the contextualization and improvisation of learning methods, even by building new paradigms that adopt emancipatory paradigms. The third problem can be addressed by a similar approach, namely linking the curriculum to the needs of the times. Finally, the fourth problem can be overcome by implementing the legal rule "Al-Mukhafazatu 'ala al-qadim al-ashalih wa al-akhzu bi al-jadid al-ashlah," which means preserving good Islamic values while taking new values that are in accordance with the context of the times, in order to achieve methodological accuracy in enlightening the nation's civilization.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Muhamad Nur Zaman, Muhammad Munadi Islamic Education Ideas from KH Saifuddin Zuhri's Perspective 2023-12-17T05:13:29+00:00 Moni Kusuma Wardani Zaenal Muttaqin <p>KH Saifuddin Zuhri is a student, who diligently studies. KH Saifuddin Zuhri's perspective on Islamic education proves that Islamic education really contributes to Indonesia. For KH Saifuddin Zuhri, the education process is not only at school but starts from the family as the smallest unit. He also revealed that in the education process you must pay attention to the physical health of students until the child's time to play. Until he failed to equalize IAIN when he served as Minister of Religion.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Moni Kusuma Wardani, Zaenal Muttaqin Concept of Modern Islamic Education According to KH. Abdul Wahid Hasyim 2023-12-17T05:16:31+00:00 Lulut Julianto Siti Choiriyah <p>Wahid Hasyim is a phenomenal figure in the history of the nation's journey, even though it only lasted a short time because he died when he was 39 years old. In the midst of his many thinkers and work in fulfilling independence, Wahid Hasyim also contributed to the nation's next journey. Because even though his body is gone, ideas are continued by subsequent generations, especially by his own son, KH. Abdurrahman Wahid. In the context of education, he also made many changes in his thinking. This can be seen after returning from Mecca when making changes to his father's Islamic boarding school, for example his teaching methods. As well as opening up freedom for students to study various scientific disciplines, especially in mastering foreign languages, Arabic and English, but still using Indonesian well. The four pillars of education (religion, development of students' potential, social and national spirit) contributed by Wahid Hasyim in the Islamic education system are things that need to be continued amidst the nation's decline. Wahid Hasyim teaches education with an attitude of respect for differences, a sense of nationalism, pluralism and multiculturalism in Indonesia.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Lulut Julianto, Siti Choiriyah Ki Hajar Dewantara Among System and Its Relevance to Islamic Education 2023-12-17T05:17:49+00:00 Hanik Afidatur Rofiah Fauzi Muharom <p>The first learning concept based on the Among Ki Hajar Dewantara System, Ing Ngarso Sungtolodo, in front of a civil servant must set an example for students, do assignments and so on. Second, Ing Madya Magun Karsa, in the midst of giving encouragement, a civil servant, apart from giving examples, must give encouragement, enthusiasm for learning, enthusiasm for doing good. Third, Tut Wuri Handayani, the teacher behind gives encouragement, where the tutor is expected to be able to see, discover and understand the talents or potentials that arise and are visible to students. An educator has a big role and a very important role in education, an educator has three roles at once, namely providing an example, facilitator and motifator which are formulated in three sentences in the Among System. At the same time, you must be able to think, feel and behave. The concept of teachings from Ki Hajar Dewantara's perspective is relevant to Islamic religious education. Based on the existing definition, the teaching concept developed by Ki Hadjar Dewantara does not conflict with Islamic education. Only the terms he uses are different, but have the same meaning.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Hanik Afidatur Rofiah, Fauzi Muharom Concept of Islamic Education According to Buya Hamka 2023-12-17T06:20:14+00:00 Eggi Mega Rahmawati Retno Wahyuningsih <p>According to Hamka, Islamic educational thinking is where parents' religious guidance towards children is: helping humans obtain a decent living, but more than that, with knowledge humans will be able to know their God, refine their morals, and always try to seek Allah's pleasure. Because, the aim of education is to serve and worship Allah. Therefore, educational materials must include the following three things: knowledge, charity, morals and justice. It can be said that according to Hamka, Islamic education is both about education, both in terms of urgency, meaning, material and purpose, it can be understood that Islamic education is an effort to guide and provide faith based on Islamic religious teachings for students so that later after completing their education they can understand and practice the Islamic religion.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Eggi Mega Rahmawati, Retno Wahyuningsih Basic Concepts of Modern Thought Islamic Religious Education 2023-12-17T05:27:09+00:00 Befika Fitriya Dewi Purwanto <p>Science and technology since the Middle Ages have experienced rapid development. Along with the development of human thought, today many new discoveries have been produced in various fields of human life. Islamic religious education is currently faced with the challenges of modern human life, so it must be directed at the changing needs of modern society. Islamic religious education needs to be designed to answer the challenges of changing times, and construct it so that it is relevant to changes in society. The aim of this research is to describe the basic concepts of modern Islamic religious education thinking. The research method is a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Data collection was carried out using literature. The data analysis technique is carried out using descriptive analysis, namely using data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the paper show that Islamic Religious Education must develop the quality of its education to meet the ever-changing needs of society. Islamic educational institutions must be able to prepare human resources who have the potential to live together in modern society. Renewal of modern thinking is very necessary in the learning process. Technological advances, for example, learning which in fact the teacher as a facilitator requires tools and media to make it happen, so that it becomes the best means of creating a generation that does not lose ties with their own traditions but also does not become intellectually stupid in education.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Befika Fitriya Dewi, Purwanto Character Development Through Democracy-Based Islamic Education in the Family According to Hasan Langgulung 2023-12-17T05:33:18+00:00 Annisa Regina Anandari Supriyanto <p>Character or behavior is the identity of every individual. And character is also a key to assessing the quality of an individual. If you want to be seen as good by someone, then your character or behavior must also be good, and vice versa, if someone's behavior or character is bad, then the judgment of others towards that person will also be bad. This character is not something trivial; character is a very sensitive matter and requires consistency in its development. It needs to be prepared to handle or face upcoming problems. Especially in this modern era, everything is advancing, especially in the field of information technology, where everything is easily accessible. In this year, there is a rampant news of moral degradation among teenagers in Indonesia. Yet, the key to the success of a nation lies in the next generation. If the successors experience moral degradation, the progress of Indonesia will automatically be hindered. Therefore, there needs to be a movement to improve the generation that has experienced moral degradation and prevention for the coming generation. One of the steps that can be taken is the development of character and the instillation of Islamic education to the young generation of Indonesia. For the instillation of education, it is closely related to schools as formal educational institutions. However, surprisingly, the instillation and development of Islam are considered more effective when instilled at home and in the living environment. In this essay, we will explore the discussion of Islamic education in the family from the perspective of Hasan Langgulung's thoughts. This research is a qualitative study. It falls under library research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data analysis methods employed in this study include descriptive analysis, content analysis, and interpretative analysis.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Annisa Regina Anandari, Supriyanto Misperception Among Members of the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community Organization (KMJC) (Intercultural Communication Study) 2024-06-05T07:54:46+00:00 Udzri Dhiyaul Suyanto Rahmawan Hidayatulloh <p>Cultural differences and different languages ​​will be very vulnerable to misperceptions such as what happened in the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community organization (KMJC), in this regional organization there are two different tribes, namely the Betawi tribe and the Sundanese tribe. Members from these two tribes often misperceive each other in form, language, speech intonation, and have different habits that give rise to misperceptions. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach, the data sources used are primary and secondary. Data collection techniques in data research used in this research are observation, interviews and in-depth documentation with data analysis techniques using case studies. The aim of this research is, among other things, to find out the causes of misperceptions among members of the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community (KMJC), to find out how to overcome misperceptions between members in the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community (KMJC), to find out what kind of social communication methods are carried out between members in the organization to reduce misperceptions that occur. The results of this research show that misperceptions that occur among members of the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community (KMJC) occur due to differences in linguistic culture involving Sundanese and Betawi tribes in the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community (KMJC), how to overcome misperceptions that occur among members of the Student Community Jabodetabeka Cirebon (KMJC), namely by means of which members are expected to understand the character and characteristics of other members, respect each other among individual members even though they have different cultures, each member must have a sense of empathy and sympathy for other members. If a conflict occurs, resolve it using tabbyun, consensus, and professionalism in dealing with conflict.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Udzri Dhiyaul Suyanto, Rahmawan Hidayatulloh PAI Curriculum Development in 21st Century Learning: Challenges and Prospects 2024-05-16T02:49:25+00:00 Santi Sukmawati Shushmittha Riyazati Imam Alif Hidayat <p>The curriculum is like a house that must have a foundation in order to stand tall, not collapse and can provide comfort for those who live in it from diviersie backgrounds, thie foundation is thie foundation of thiecurriculum as his homie, in ordier to providie comfort and convieniiencie for studients to study and makie products that arie usieful for thiemsielvies,rieligion, sociiety and country. This articlie aims to iexaminie thiedievielopmient of Islamic rieligious ieducation curriculum in 21st cienturyliearning. Thie miethod usied in this riesiearch is litieraturie study whierie thieauthor triies to find, compilie and analyzie various information throughvarious rielatied sourcies. Thie riesults of this study arie: 21st cienturycurriculum dievielopmient riequiries studients to liearn morie and bie proactivie so that thiey havie 21st cientury compietienciies which includie:communication, collaboration, critical thinking and probliem solving,crieativity and innovation skills and mastiery of ICT which riequirie highier ordier thinking skills or Highier Ordier Thinking Skills (HOTS).</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Santi Sukmawati, Shushmittha Riyazati, Imam Alif Hidayat The Role of Teamwork, Interpersonal Communication and Work Motivation in Teacher Performance 2024-11-12T15:50:04+00:00 Ahmad Baihaki <p>The aim of this study was to determine the effect of teamwork of teachers, interpersonal communication and work motivation on their performance. This research was conducted at a private high school in Pamekasan Madura, Indonesia. This research applies the Survey Method using a questionnaire to collect data from these research variables. The research hypothesis was tested with the Path Analysis Technique used to investigate the direct and indirect influence of these variables on Teacher Performance. This research has several findings that Teacher Teamwork, Teacher Interpersonal Communication and Teacher Work Motivation have a direct positive effect on Teacher Performance while Teacher Teamwork and Teacher Interpersonal Communication also have an indirect positive effect on Teacher Performance through Teacher Work Motivation. This research recommends that improving Teacher Performance will be more effective by directly strengthening Teacher Teamwork, Teacher Interpersonal Communication and Teacher Work Motivation.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Baihaki Improving Fiqih Learning Results Through the Make a Match Method at MTS Darus Salam Probolinggo 2024-04-17T01:18:24+00:00 Devy Habibi Muhammad Mutiah Cahyaning Tiyas <p>This research aims to explore learning innovations in Fiqh subjects in class VII MTs Darus Salam Probolinggo using the Classroom Action Research (PTK) method. Currently, education is experiencing many changes in various aspects of people's lives. This is caused by the globalization process, which affects the whole world, including Indonesia, and the rapid progress of technology and science. The latest educational paradigm requires teachers to make learning more student-centered, however the results of formative tests and daily tests show that students' ability to understand and explain the thaharah chapter is still lacking. Therefore, researchers try to use the make a match method as a solution to improve student learning outcomes. The research results showed that after implementing the make a match method, there was a significant increase in the level of student learning completion. Thus, the use of the make a match method can be a new alternative that is useful for Fiqh subject teachers in improving student learning outcomes, and can also be applied to other subjects.</p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Devy Habibi Muhammad, Mutiah Cahyaning Tiyas Inventory of the Langkat Regency Regional Museum Collection 2024-06-10T00:23:37+00:00 Siti Aisyah Nur Sonia Sitompul Annisa Anita Syamsinar Ridho Akbar Fadilah Hotmatua Paralihan <p>A museum is a permanent institution established for the benefit of the public and society, as an institution capable of caring for, preserving, researching and providing a place to broaden one's knowledge. The Langkat Regency Regional Museum is one of the legacies of the Langkat Sultanate which can still be visited today. A museum with many changes in function from a justice building to a Regional Museum. As for the problems raised in this research, the researcher took the case of inventorying existing collections in regional museum buildings using qualitative methods as a way to describe the collections in museums. There are several stages carried out to obtain the results achieved through observation, interviews and collection data collection. The aim of this research is to be able to analyze the collections in each room in the Langkat area museum building which has 6 rooms with the main room having a replica of a Malay throne or altar.</p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Siti Aisyah, Nur Sonia Sitompul, Annisa, Anita Syamsinar, Ridho Akbar Fadilah, Hotmatua Paralihan History of the Entry of Islam in the North Sumatra Region 2024-06-10T00:34:51+00:00 Al Zufri Al Zufri Suprayitno Nursukma Suri <p>Islam entered North Sumatra through trade routes involving merchants from the Middle East, India, and Persia, as well as traders from the Bedouin, Gujarat, China, and Turkey. North Sumatra, with significant ports such as Barus and Samudera Pasai, became a hub of trade activity and the spread of Islam. Historical evidence shows the emergence of Islamic kingdoms such as the Sultanates of Asahan, Serdang, Deli, Bilah, Langkat, and Kualuh, reflecting the local community's acceptance of Islam. The discovery of ancient tombs in various locations in North Sumatra, including Barus and other areas, indicates substantial influence from Persia, Arabia, and China. Additionally, coins from various dynasties, including the Umayyad, Abbasid, and Pandya, found at the Bongal site in Central Tapanuli, highlight extensive trade relations and North Sumatra's significant role in international trade routes. The Aceh Sultanate played a crucial role in the spread of Islam in North Sumatra, supported by historical records from Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta. The discovered coins, particularly those from the Umayyad Dynasty, feature inscriptions in Kufic script, reflecting the dissemination of Islamic messages through monetary artifacts. Research on these coins provides insight into the early development of Islam in North Sumatra and the role of trade and marriage in its spread.</p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Al Zufri Al Zufri, Suprayitno, Nursukma Suri Applicative Construction of Malay Sorkam Dialect 2024-06-10T00:33:41+00:00 Luthvia Chairunnisa Mulyadi <p>This research examines applicative constructions in Sorkam Dialect Malay, which include benefactive, instrumental and locative types, and compares them with previous research to fill gaps in knowledge about regional language typology. Through qualitative descriptive methods, data is collected from daily conversations of native speakers, research articles, and data from other researchers. The results of the analysis show that benefactive applicative constructions are marked with the suffixes -kan and -i on transitive verbs, while instrumental applicative constructions mark instruments with the suffix -kan, and locative applicative constructions mark locations with the suffix -i. These findings confirm the importance of morphological changes in conveying the relationship between subjects, objects, and events in language. In addition, this research validates previous findings, showing that applicative constructions in Sorkam Malay Dialect remain relevant to previous research in the context of applicative constructions in other languages.</p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Luthvia Chairunnisa, Mulyadi Shafi'iyyah Perspective Insurance Waqf 2024-05-16T02:08:51+00:00 Imam Kamaluddin Aria Nur Akmal <p>Waqf Life insurance is a method of planning waqf by making an official/legal will from ownership of assets by providing the waqf in question when there is a risk/death with the consent of the heirs. By handing over the policy as a form of waqf contract to the nazhir. In this case, people who have a unit link life insurance policy from an insurance company that has sharia products after becoming a policy and securities will have the benefits or sum insured and other benefits that will be donated. The aim of this research is to determine the position of sharia insurance waqf in Islamic law according to the Syafii school of thought. The research method used is qualitative normative-empirical for benefit with the benchmark of sharia maqashid. The results of this research show that according to the Shafi school of thought, waqf benefits for sharia life insurance are not permitted. Because the ulama in the Shafi school of thought strongly oppose waqf/cash waqf, where money will run out if used.</p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Imam Kamaluddin, Aria Nur Akmal قضايا اللغة في سريلانكا: تحليل من منظور لساني وإسلامي 2025-01-18T06:54:24+00:00 Abdul Rauff Mohamed Mahsoom Mohamed Mahroof Ali Abdullah Akmal Khuzairy bin Abd Rahman <p>تستهدف الدراسة تحليل القضايا اللغوية خلال الجانب اللساني والإسلامي في البيئة التعددية تركيزا على الأوضاع السائدة في سريلانكا. وقد ألحت على أن البيئة السريلانكية التي تتعدد فيها اللغات تستلزم الاتصاف بالكرامة والحرية والمساواة والهوية التي رشحها الأمم المتحدة لصيانة الحقوق الإنسانية والتي أكد نفسها إرشادات التشريع الإسلامي السامية &nbsp;لبناء أمة متحد الأفراد وقوية الأساس بالإضافة إلى أن تحقق إمكانيتها متوقف على الوعي الثقافي والتفاهم العام من قبل المواطنين مما يترتب عليه الحصول على الحلول المقنعة لكثير من النزاعات التي تنشأ عن القضايا اللغوية. ولعل هذه الدراسة تساعد على أصحاب القرار والنشطاء الاجتماعيين على الاعتراف بالتددية اللغوية والثقافية واعتبارها أثناء معالجة القضايا اللغوية في البيئة التي يتنوع فيها اللغات والأجناس.</p> 2025-02-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Abdul Rauff Mohamed Mahsoom, Mohamed Mahroof Ali Abdullah, Akmal Khuzairy bin Abd Rahman Leadership Theory, Leadership Functions, Leadership Approach and Quality of Educational Leadership at SMPIT Al Marwat Lemahabang 2024-05-16T02:20:28+00:00 Muhamad Iqbal Albaqih M. Asep Kuswara Sandi Jafar Tamsikuddin Masduki Duriyat <p>Education requires effective leadership to improve the quality of education and teacher performance. Various leadership approaches such as transformational, transactional, situational, servant, and authoritarian have advantages and disadvantages. Relevant curriculum development, use of technology, effective communication, team leadership approach, and team effectiveness can help improve the quality of education. In synthesis, an effective leadership approach can help achieve educational goals by developing relevant curricula, innovative teaching methods, and adequate resources. A competent school principal can manage resources effectively and ensure that teachers can carry out their duties well. This research examines the theory, function, approach and quality of educational leadership at SMPIT Al Marwat Lemahabang. Using qualitative descriptive methods, this research explores aspects of leadership through interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that effective leadership plays a crucial role in improving the quality of education. The leadership approach at this school includes collaboration and authoritative influence, with a tendency towards an authoritarian style in handling discipline. Leadership functions such as supervision, decision making, and motivation are found to be important in achieving organizational goals. This research highlights the importance of balance between assertiveness and collaboration in educational leadership, as well as the need to continuously develop leadership qualities to create an effective and superior learning environment.</p> 2025-02-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Muhamad Iqbal Albaqih, M. Asep Kuswara, Sandi Jafar, Tamsikuddin, Masduki Duriyat Implementation of Kafa'ah in Marriage: Comparative Study Between Customary Law and Islamic Law in Lendang Nangka Village, Masbagik District, East Lombok Regency 2025-01-19T15:56:06+00:00 Mukhlis Ismail Sainun Rendra Khaldun Mirwan <p>A harmonious marriage, apart from being based on compatibility and harmony, must also be based on aspects of equality or equality between the two partners. Not only in material aspects but also immaterial aspects such as lineage and nobility. Apart from that, the Sasak tribe also still adheres to patrilineal principles in the aspect of marriage. This is illustrated in the dichotomization of wedding processions between each level of society based on their background, such as menak and coral rows which are differentiated in the traditional procession. Because in every traditional process of merarik in the Sasak tribal community there are certain meanings in it, however, this has experienced shifts and changes in some villages in the Sasak tribe. Therefore, this merarik tradition deserves to be raised as a research subject, especially in its unique aspect, why the merarik tradition is used as a ritual that must be fulfilled. This research was carried out in Lendang Nangka village, Masbagik sub-district, East Lombok district. This research is also included in qualitative research, the research subjects of which consist of village heads, traditional heads, religious leaders and community leaders. The research results include: First, the process of attracting noble people and ordinary people before and after the marriage contract in Lendang Nangka Village is basically all almost the same, only it can be differentiated by the size of the existing aji krame. Then, most of the people of Lendang Nangka village have been able to accept changes, where the keskufu'an of the noble lineage can be compared with other material aspects.</p> 2025-02-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mukhlis Ismail, Sainun, Rendra Khaldun, Mirwan Capitalism Work Problems: An Analysis Study of Islamic Worldview 2024-03-17T13:59:30+00:00 Adryan Risady Khoirul Umam <p>Work can have a negative impact on a person's life. We can see this from the emergence of work cultures such as karoshi. So it is not surprising that many cases of suicide are found due to excessive work. Apart from that, quite a few successful people whose lives ended tragically, such as Marilyn Monroe, who died after consuming illegal drugs. In fact, they should live happily and peacefully. This shows that the success of a person's career does not guarantee happiness in his life. Islam does not deny working as an individual interest, but it is also related to social interests. This is certainly different from the working concept of Capitalism. This article aims to examine how the concept works in Islam, as well as providing a critique of the working concept of Capitalism. The contribution of this research is to provide a deeper understanding of how Islamic values ​​can offer a more balanced and sustainable alternative in the world of work compared to the capitalist paradigm which often prioritizes personal profit above individual and social welfare. By comparing these two concepts, this research seeks to provide a more holistic insight into how healthy ways of working can be achieved and implemented in modern society.</p> 2025-02-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Adryan Risady, Khoirul Umam Classroom Action Research: An Analysis of the Implementation of the Insani Method in Elementary Schools 2024-11-06T16:04:49+00:00 Zulmasri Zulmasri Muhammad Kabil Ikbal Ardi Satrial Norman Haziq Bin Salahudin <p>Learning methods play a role in creating an effective and efficient learning environment that supports the achievement of optimal learning outcomes. Among the methods that can improve the ability to read the Quran is the <em>insani</em> method. The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of the <em>insani</em> method in teaching the Quran to elementary school students. This research uses a Classroom Action Research approach with participant type. The research location was an elementary school in Solok Regency, Indonesia. The informants of this study consisted of teachers and 16 elementary school students. Data collection techniques used observation, and tests. The data analysis technique uses a reduction composed of four steps, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, the observation, and the reflection stage. The presentation of data in the form of narratives, tables, and histograms. Conclusions were obtained from interpreting data obtained from test results and observations. The <em>insani</em> method is proven to be able to improve student learning outcomes in reading the Quran fluently and mastering tajweed in elementary school students. This can be seen from the achievement of learner learning outcomes that increased from the first cycle of 37% of students who were complete to 88% in cycle II. This achievement has implications for the choice of teacher methods in teaching the Quran to students in elementary schools, especially in learning Islamic Religious Education.</p> 2025-02-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Zulmasri Zulmasri, Muhammad Kabil Ikbal, Ardi Satrial, Norman Haziq Bin Salahudin Islamic Law Review of Marriages of Pregnant Women Out of Marriage and the Status of Their Children 2024-11-21T12:08:07+00:00 Gunawan Sainun Gazali <p>In the era of science and technology, the use of social media can hardly be limited because it crosses space, time and place, so that the Islamic ummah is increasingly faced with various problems, both those that directly touch Islamic teachings and other problems that still have something to do with Islam and these problems require a solution instrument and one of these instruments is Islamic law. One of the problems that is currently widespread is promiscuity among young people who not only meet in person but have spread to social media such as FB, WA, Instagram and so on which makes meeting easier, so that many things appear that should not happen to the Islamic generation, for example, dating relationships and even premarital sex which causes pregnancies outside of marriage whose impact is not good for individuals and society, so that it becomes material for gossip because marriage is caused by pregnancy outside of marriage and the problem does not stop there and even continues to the status of the child who was born.</p> 2025-02-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Gunawan, Sainun, Gazali Key Principles of Learning 2024-12-04T14:47:18+00:00 Wulan Akhyari Ahlunnazar Asnuddin Saprin <p>Education is a fundamental element in shaping human character and personality. One of the key aspects in education is the learning process, which is often the main focus but has not yet fully touched on the essence of the expected goals. Undirected learning tends to produce low quality. Therefore, learning principles are needed to serve as guidelines for teachers, especially in designing effective learning processes, including in Islamic Religious Education (PAI). The research method used is literature research by analyzing related literature to gain insight into the basic principles of the teaching profession. The results show that the application of these principles is very important in creating meaningful and effective learning, as well as being able to prepare students to face real life challenges. This research highlights learning principles that PAI teachers can apply, such as demonstration, application, task-centered, activation, and integration, as well as their relevance in a holistic learning process. These principles are designed to relate theory to real practice in learners' daily lives. With this approach, learning includes not only cognitive knowledge, but also spiritual skills and values, which are integrated through applicable and collaborative activities.</p> 2025-02-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Wulan Akhyari, Ahlunnazar, Asnuddin, Saprin Learning and Learning Conditions and Bloom Taxonomy and Islamic Education 2025-01-19T16:56:34+00:00 La Ode Muhamad Risal Amiruddin Azlin Saprin <p>This research discusses learning and learning conditions as well as Bloom's Taxonomy and Islamic Education. The type of research in this article is qualitative descriptive research. Apart from that, this research is of a library nature (library research). The results of this research show that supportive learning conditions, combined with Bloom's Taxonomy framework, enable a more effective and comprehensive Islamic education process. By paying attention to learning conditions in accordance with the needs of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, Islamic education can form individuals who not only have good religious knowledge but also have noble morals and skills that are able to practice religious teachings in everyday life.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 La Ode Muhamad Risal, Amiruddin, Azlin, Saprin Theory of Learning Cognitivism and Islamic Education 2025-01-19T16:55:32+00:00 Windi Pratiwi Yusdar Nur Afifah Muh. Ridwan Nur Oktaviani Saprin <p>This research examines the integration of cognitivism learning theory in the context of Islamic education to optimize the learning process. The theory of cognitivism which emphasizes students' internal mental processes has significant relevance to the concept of Islamic education which prioritizes developing the potential of reason and spirituality. Through a qualitative approach with literature study methods, this research analyzes how the principles of cognitivism in Islamic educational prospective create meaningful learning. The results of the study show that cognitivism theory is in line with Islamic teachings which encourage the use of reason to understand science. The learning process in Islamic education can be enriched with cognitivism strategies such as information processing, the formation of knowledge schemes, and the development of metacognitive abilities. This integration allows students to not only understand the material in depth, but also develop critical thinking skills while still upholding Islamic values. Apart from the convergence between the two, there is also a divergence towards the implementation of cognitivism theory and Islamic education has the potential to create more effective learning. This research provides theoretical and practical contributions to the development of learning models in Islamic education that accommodate students' cognitive development without ignoring Islamic values.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Windi Pratiwi Yusdar, Nur Afifah, Muh. Ridwan, Nur Oktaviani, Saprin Abdurrauf Al-Singkili's Perspective Childcare Concept (1615-1693 AD): Analysis Study of the Book of Tafsir Tarjumān Al-Mustafīd 2025-01-18T16:39:24+00:00 Haerun Nissa Ruaedah, M.A <p>The number of cases found in both mass and electronic media, about the rampant criminal acts or actions that are not commendable by parents to children and vice versa, such as cases of violence, maltreatment, sexual harassment, bullying, and even murder. As parents, the task of educating and nurturing children should be the most important since parents are commited to marriage. In addition to parenting, it is better to be accompanied by praying, worshiping and asking Allah SWT to always be given the ability to take care of children properly as taught in the Qur’an. The purpose of this study is to find out the interpretation of verses about parenting interpreted by Abdurraul al-Singkili who came from Aceh, as well as to find out the relevance of Abdurrauf’s interpretation in today’s life. The type of research used is using qualitative methods (library research).</p> <p>The interpretation method used is the mauḍuʻ interpretation approach (thematic interpretation) and Diana Bumrind Psychology. The theme discussed is a comprehensive study og the verses relating to parenting science, the science of how to raise children properly with reference to Abdurrauf al-Singkili’s interpretation in the book Tarjumān Al-Mustafīd. The results of the study concluded from the interpretation according to Abdurrauf al-Sngkili in the book of Tarjumān Al-Mustafīd interpretation is that parenting to children in accordance with the Qur'an, namely in QS. Āli Imran verses 35-37 include praying for children for parents is highly recommended, choosing good caregivers for children, In QS. Yusuf 4-5 includes: parents nurture and educate children with patience, forgive each other in the family. Surah Luqman verses 13-19 include: monotheism education, filial piety education, and QS. As-Ṣāffāt verses 102-105 include: obeying Allah's provisions, patience in facing trials. Abdurrauf's interpretation of the verse related to the concept of parenting is very relevant in this digital era. Parents can divert children from gadgets by following the stories of the prophets in parenting. then from Diana Bumrind's psychological theory, stating that the best parenting in parenting young children is authoritative parenting, dialoguing with children directly.</p> <p> </p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Haerun Nissa, Ruaedah, M.A The Effectiveness of Islamic Religious Education in Enhancing Students' Religious Attitudes in the Digital Era at SMK Al Ishlah Cikarang Utara 2024-11-11T09:45:56+00:00 Siti Ropiah Idul Adhari <p>This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Islamic Religious Education in enhancing students' religious attitudes in the digital era. With the advancement of technology and digital media, students now have increasingly broad access to diverse information, including content related to religious values. However, this convenience also brings new challenges, such as the spread of less credible information and content that may not align with religious values. Therefore, an effective educational approach is needed so that PAI can improve students' understanding, faith, and religious attitudes. This research uses a quantitative method with a survey approach. The study respondents consist of 10th and 11th-grade students from several high schools that have implemented technology-based PAI learning methods, such as digital learning applications and social media. Data was collected through questionnaires that included questions about changes in students' religious attitudes after participating in PAI learning in the digital era. Data analysis was conducted using statistical tests to determine the relationship between digital PAI learning and students' religious attitudes. The study results indicate that PAI learning using digital media has a significant positive impact on enhancing students' religious attitudes. Digital media helps students understand material in a more engaging, interactive, and accessible manner. Additionally, the use of digital platforms in PAI reinforces religious values amidst various influences from online content. However, its effectiveness heavily relies on teacher guidance and the careful selection of content to ensure material remains aligned with religious educational goals.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Siti Ropiah, Idul Adhari The Role of Islamic Religious Education in Combating Social Deviant Behavior Among Adolescents 2024-11-11T09:44:27+00:00 Kurnali Sobandi Wilda Agista <p>This study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the contribution of Islamic Religious Education in creating a more positive social environment and reducing deviant behavior among adolescents. The research discusses the role of Islamic Religious Education in addressing social deviance among adolescents. Social deviance phenomena in adolescents, such as delinquency, deviant behavior, and violations of norms, are increasing and becoming a serious concern for educators, parents, and society. It is hoped that Islamic Religious Education can serve as an effective solution in shaping the character of adolescents to be more ethical, morally upright, and to understand the social boundaries in line with religious values. Using a qualitative approach, this study highlights the effectiveness of PAI in developing moral understanding, strengthening ethical principles, and reinforcing the faith of adolescents. This study also identifies various factors influencing the success of PAI in addressing deviant behavior, including the role of the family, social environment, and teaching methods used. The results of the study show that Islamic Religious Education has a significant influence in reducing negative behavioral tendencies in adolescents through the enhancement of spiritual awareness and the strengthening of moral values.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Kurnali Sobandi, Wilda Agista Transformation of Islamic Religious Education Curriculum in Schools Facing the Challenges of Globalization and Multiculturalism 2024-11-13T09:51:04+00:00 Noor Azida Batubara Ahmad Dasuki <p>This study aims to analyze and identify the process of transforming the Islamic Religious Education curriculum in schools to face the challenges of globalization and multiculturalism. The transformation of the Islamic Religious Education curriculum in schools has become an urgent need in response to the challenges of globalization and multiculturalism, which increasingly affect the social and cultural life of society. Globalization, with its wide-ranging impacts on technology, economy, culture, and communication, influences how students understand the world and the values that evolve around them. On the other hand, multiculturalism, marked by the diversity of ethnicities, religions, and cultures in Indonesia, demands an education system that teaches tolerance, mutual respect, and the ability to live harmoniously amidst differences. The process of curriculum transformation in schools faces the challenges of globalization and multiculturalism. This method is chosen because it can provide a holistic understanding of the phenomena occurring within the context of education and how the curriculum is adapted to global and diverse developments in line with the changing times. <br />Through an adaptive and inclusive curriculum transformation, Islamic Religious Education can play an important role in shaping a generation that is not only intellectually intelligent but also has strong character, based on religious moral values that can face the challenges of globalization and cultural diversity wisely. Thus, Islamic Religious Education will remain relevant in shaping individuals who are ready to contribute to peace and the progress of global society.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Noor Azida Batubara, Ahmad Dasuki The Effectiveness of Multimedia-Based Islamic Religious Education Learning in Enhancing Students' Understanding at SMPIT Ismul Azhom 2024-11-13T09:48:23+00:00 Siti Ropiah Subki Abdul Syakur <p>This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of multimedia-based Islamic Religious Education learning in improving students' understanding at SMPIT Ismul Azhom. Multimedia-based learning utilizes various digital media such as videos, animations and presentations to deliver PAI material in a more interactive and interesting way. With this approach, it is hoped that students will understand the concept of the Islamic religion, which is sometimes considered difficult to understand if it is only conveyed verbally. The research used quantitative methods and experimental design, with two different groups, with several methods using experiments carried out with the help of multimedia while the control was conventional. The research sample consisted of 30 class VIII students at SMPIT Ismul Azhom. Data collection was carried out through tests before and after the material and giving questionnaires whose aim was to measure students' responses to the use of multimedia in learning. The results of the research were to increase the understanding of the experimental group using multimedia-based learning. Statistical analysis using tests shows differences in students' comprehension scores before and after being assisted by multimedia devices. Apart from that, the majority of students responded positively to multimedia in PAI learning, feeling that they understood more quickly and made the lessons interesting compared to traditional learning methods. So from this research, it can be concluded that multimedia-based PAI learning is effective in increasing students' understanding at SMPIT Ismul Azhom.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Subki Abdul Syakur, Siti Ropiah The Influence of Digital Media Use In Islamic Education Learning on Elementary Students' Motivation at SDIT Al-Barkah 03 2024-11-14T12:24:39+00:00 Syifa Fauziah Padiah Achmad <p>This study aims to analyze the impact of digital media use in Islamic Religious Education on students' learning motivation at SDIT Al-Barkah 03. With technological advancements, digital media is increasingly integrated into education, including in PAI lessons. The use of digital media is expected to attract interest and enhance students' motivation to learn, ultimately improving their understanding and engagement in PAI subjects. This research utilizes a quantitative approach utilizing a quasi-experimental design. The study sample consists of 60 participants. fourth and fifth-grade students, randomly selected from the student population at SDIT Al-Barkah 03. Data was collected through learning motivation questionnaires and observations of student engagement in lessons. The results indicate that the use of digital media in PAI has a positive and significant effect on students' learning motivation. Students who learned through digital media displayed higher enthusiasm, active participation in class discussions, and greater motivation to understand PAI material. Based on these findings, the utilization of digital media recommended as an effective instructional strategy to enhance student motivation and learning outcomes in PAI, especially at the elementary school level.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Syifa Fauziah, Padiah Achmad Religious Moderation in Preaching in the Era of Industry 4.0 2024-11-14T12:23:05+00:00 Solihin Sari Enang Hidayat Surahman <p>In the context of Industry 4.0, the practice of religious moderation in preaching has emerged as a pivotal necessity. This study explores the ways in which digital technologies are reshaping the landscape of religious discourse and the responsibilities of religious leaders. With the proliferation of social media platforms and online communities, preachers have unprecedented opportunities to convey messages of tolerance, understanding, and inclusivity to diverse audiences. The research highlights the significant role of digital tools in countering extremist ideologies that often find a foothold online. By utilizing innovative communication strategies, religious leaders can engage with followers in meaningful ways, fostering an environment that promotes interfaith dialogue and cooperation. This approach not only strengthens community bonds but also mitigates the risks associated with radicalization. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of adaptability in religious teachings to meet the demands of a rapidly changing digital landscape. By integrating modern technology into their preaching methods, religious figures can enhance their outreach and relevance, ensuring that messages of moderation resonate with younger generations. Ultimately, the findings suggest that embracing technological advancements is vital for promoting religious moderation in contemporary society.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Solihin Sari, Enang Hidayat, Surahman Implementation of Guess The Picture Learning Strategy in Al-Muhadasah Class 2 MTS Lessons 2024-06-10T01:22:50+00:00 Agus Budiman Muhammad Sholahuddin <p>Learning Arabic requires an understanding of four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor is an educational institution with Kulliyyatul Mu'allimin Al-Islamiyah curriculum that teaches Arabic and English. Researchers found that the difficulties of class students are expected to be achieved. How to teach a good teacher is the key and prerequisite for students to be able to learn well. Teachers are expected to be able to choose the right way of teaching so that they can create a conducive learning environment system and activate students, one of the right learning strategies applied is a learning strategy, namely the Guess The Picture Strategy in Arabic Language Learning at MTSN 2 Ponorogo.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Agus Budiman, Muhammad Sholahuddin Anies Rasyid Baswedan Islamic Political Communication 2024-06-05T07:53:28+00:00 Ainur Rahman Adinda Dicky Erlangga Rahmawan Hidayatullah Akhmad Rifa’i <p>Elections are a place to find and choose leaders who are honest, trustworthy and have good quality and integrity, able to provide equitable prosperity to the community. But people as voters are often wrong in choosing leaders, voters choose not really based on good comparison and knowledge of their potential leaders. So that mistakes in choosing the ideal leader often occur in the election process. Islamic political communication becomes important to be a bridge in educating politics for the public or voters, this is all done by candidates or party political actors by actively educating the importance of choosing a quality leader for the welfare of the community. The purpose of this research is to know about the messages of Islamic political communication Anies Rasyid Baswedan which are conveyed to voters in choosing a leader. Two important points conveyed by Anies Rasyid Baswedan. That is how to choose based on a track record then compare between candidate candidates, both see the vision and mission of each candidate. This research method uses Content Analysis with a qualitative approach that explains a message of Islamic political communication Anies Rasyid Baswedan in a video titled How to Choose a Leader? On Anies Baswedan's You Tube Account.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ainur Rahman, Adinda, Dicky Erlangga, Rahmawan Hidayatullah, Akhmad Rifa’i Implications of Establishing Village-Owned Enterprises After Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (Case Study of Bumdes in Ngawi Regency) 2024-04-17T00:49:20+00:00 Oktima Dwi Rahmawati <p>The enactment of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and the issuance of Government Regulation Number 11 of 2021 concerning Village-Owned Enterprises. Provide a slight change of view regarding Village Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa). Clearly describes the change from a non-legal entity to a legal entity, and to obtain the status of a Village BUM legal entity, the Village Government must register BUM Desa electronically to the Minister through the Village Information system which has been integrated with the Legal Entity Administration System at the ministry. Which organizes government affairs in the field of law and human rights. The regulation explains that Village-Owned Enterprises have the status of a legal entity but their establishment does not use a notary deed. Only by electronic registration from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Therefore, the author wants to analyze the implications of the establishment of BUM Desa after the enactment of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. Based on this, the author formulates the problem, namely: first: What are the implications of the establishment of BUM Desa which was established after Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. Second: What are the problems with BUM Desa after the promulgation of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. This legal research is a combination of empirical normative research, the research was carried out by reviewing and examining secondary data first which was then continued with primary data obtained by interviews. The results of this research conclude that BUM Desa obtains Legal Entity status when an electronic registration is issued by the minister who handles government affairs in the field of Law and Human Rights which is integrated into the legal entity administration system. However, due to the long registration process in the Village Ministry System, BUM Desa has not been able to carry out collaborative activities on a legal basis because it is not yet legal as a legal entity.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Oktima Dwi Rahmawati